


Frequently Asked Questions 关于 Boundary Changes

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Which schools have new boundaries for 2022-23?


我的地址离边界线很近. How do I know which boundary includes my address?

Boundary lines typically run down the center of the street. Addresses located on attendance area boundary streets will be assigned to their attendance area schools depending on the side of the street where the home is located. 在下面的示例中, residents of building A are assigned to 惠蒂尔, while residents of building B are assigned to 西方国家森林.



With changes in the number of students enrolled, there is sometimes a need to adjust school attendance area boundaries. These boundary changes are discussed with principals at impacted schools, and then the 十大正规网赌软件计划 team meets with the community to share information and listen to input.

对数据和社区意见进行审查, and if staff believes a boundary change is needed, a recommendation to the School Board is prepared.

Recommendations to School Board at one of their regular meetings. At a future meeting, usually the next regular meeting, the School Board then acts on the proposal.


Changes to boundaries are implemented when capacity needs to be balanced among schools, including if new schools are opened or space is expanded, 或者入学人数是增加还是减少. These changes must be approved by the Seattle School Board.


School boundaries need to be adjusted to accommodate changes in the number of students enrolled at schools.

How are the enrollment projections that influence boundary decisions made?

请浏览 十大正规网赌软件计划 页了解投影.

Will there be additional changes in the future?

On occasion, a boundary change may be recommended to balance enrollment. 当更多的学校翻修时, 取代, 或者用资本税建造, boundaries may need to be adjusted to accommodate that capacity change. Changes may also be made to balance the number of students between schools when enrollment patterns change.

Will current elementary students be grandfathered?

Grandfathering decisions are made by the Seattle School Board.

Is transportation provided for grandfathered students?

The Seattle School Board makes decisions on transportation for grandfathered students.

Will transportation be provided to the new attendance area school?

If a student is outside the walk zone for the new attendance area school, transportation will be provided following usual school district transportation rules.

兄弟姐妹呢?? Can they go to school with the students who are grandfathered?

如果祖父是可用的, it applies only to students currently enrolled in a school and is in effect through the highest grade at that school (5th or 8th grade) as long as the services the student needs are available at that school.

Any student entering school after boundary changes are implemented will be assigned to the new attendance area school, 包括兄弟姐妹.

The first tiebreaker for a choice assignment is always “sibling,” so it may be possible for a younger child to apply and enter through Open 十大正规网赌软件.

如果我的学生是祖父, do I need to fill out a choice form to keep my student at the same school?

Students who are grandfathered will automatically continue to be enrolled in their current school. No choice form or other paperwork is required.

What if a student is grandfathered but wants to move to the new attendance area school?

参加新的出勤区学校, families need to fill out a School Choice form to alert the district that they do not wish to be grandfathered. A seat at the new attendance area school is guaranteed if the home address falls within the boundaries. If the new school is opening as a “roll up” with only a few of the early grades, it may not be possible for an older student to move to the new school.

If a student is grandfathered in elementary school, where will he or she go to middle school?

Once a grandfathered student completes the highest grade offered at the school (5th or 8th grade), attendance at middle school or high school is based on the home attendance area.

If a student is currently enrolled in a school through the choice process, will that student be impacted by grandfathering decisions?

No. 一旦学生接到选择作业, they may remain at that school through the highest grade level.

如果一个学生有IEP, will that student be impacted by boundary changes and grandfathering decisions?

在大多数情况下, students requiring special education services will follow the same boundary change guidelines as general education students. Special Education services (and assignments) depend on the student’s IEP. 所有学校都提供大多数服务, 但在某些情况下, certain services may only be provided at certain schools.

如果一个学生正在经历无家可归, will that student be impacted by boundary changes and grandfathering decisions?

No. As provided in the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, students experiencing homelessness will not be impacted by boundary changes.
